
Born in the USA!

Born in the USA!

A foreign American’s journey back to the US

June 21, 2021 | Ariel V.

Well, the truth is, that’s all I was: just born in the USA. I’d never set foot on US soil since moving away at the young age of 3 months, when my family’s work relocation period ended and they moved back to France. Later, I would find myself growing up in Israel for the greater […]

Second time’s the charm

Second time’s the charm

Finally at MIT after an undergraduate rejection

June 21, 2021 | Miriam K.

I remember driving down Massachusetts Avenue with my mom when I was 16. We were in New England on a family vacation, so she arranged a campus visit at MIT for me since I was trying to decide which colleges I should apply to. It was a beautiful July day. We had a meeting with […]

All the good ideas are gone!

All the good ideas are gone!

But all the good work is left to do.

June 21, 2021 | Mirna G.

The MIT Biological Engineering (BE) interview weekend began with an introduction by the department’s chair. She gave a very motivating speech that ended with “this is the best time to become a bioengineer: find a problem and run with it.” I felt very motivated by the department chair’s speech and spent the next five months […]

Experimenting with love

Experimenting with love

Attempting to date as a PhD student in Biology

April 29, 2021 | Kate K.

As far as bad dates went, this one was catastrophic. My date (we’ll call him “Brad”) was drunk, not just on his own ego, but also quite literally drunk. Though really, this was not my fault, as he had decided to come that way. As the waitress cleared our table, he swiveled around to look […]

PhD parenting in a pandemic

PhD parenting in a pandemic

Challenges and lessons learned from a tumultuous time in my life

April 29, 2021 | Adrian G.

When I first heard about SARS-CoV-2, my wife and I had just flown back to the U.S. from visiting her family in China. She was already in her second trimester of pregnancy and was concerned that the virus might spread to North America. At the time, I didn’t think too much of it. Evidently, her […]