
Ivy League Entitlement

Ivy League Entitlement

How not to date at a high-profile school

September 16, 2019 | Alyssa R.

“No.” I said. “I don’t want to.” I was standing on the street in front of a man in a suit. That man (let’s call him Ryan) was frantically trying to usher me into his apartment building. He held the door wide open, incredulous that I wouldn’t do what he wanted. “It’s not that big […]

Unashamed to Be a Nerd

Unashamed to Be a Nerd

Proclaiming my love for Harry Potter

September 9, 2019 | Anna I.

My friends at school weren’t really into Harry Potter. Many had watched the movies, and a few had read the books, but the magical world did not have the same appeal for them as it did for me. I was enthralled by the story of the Boy Who Lived, captivated by the psychological complexity of […]

Being Strong in Strong Situations

Being Strong in Strong Situations

Having agency even when your choices aren't fully your own

September 9, 2019 | Casey E.

At my undergraduate institution (one of the three big U.S. military academies), every cadet was required to take a class called “The Behavioral Science of Leadership”. In this class we discussed something called strong situations. Strong situations are environments in which a person’s options become limited and there is a lot of external pressure to […]

Biologists Need More Angle Grinders

Biologists Need More Angle Grinders

Biological science is aesthetically female

August 19, 2019 | Erika A.

I was very surprised one day to realize that I had developed a single callous on the pad of my right thumb. I can’t remember the last time I got a callous: I don’t rock climb, play an instrument, or do extreme sports. I don’t even take classes anymore, so I rarely write with a […]

Giving Back to Society

Giving Back to Society

How I got involved in service activities at MIT

August 19, 2019 | Shashank A.

The ultimate aim of all the jobs the world has to offer in today’s time, whether in the field of entertainment, business or research, is to ultimately serve the human civilization. While none can claim to be better than others, some have a more direct and faster impact. These include service activities aiming towards helping […]