
A Techless Path To MIT

A Techless Path To MIT

How I, an aspiring philosopher, wound up choosing the world’s most famous Tech school

October 7, 2019 | Jessica H.

When people hear that I’ll be spending the next half decade at MIT, many seem to think I’ll be spending my days huddled over an intelligent robot plotting for the technological apocalypse. When people hear that I’ll be spending the next half decade — and, hopefully, a lifetime — studying philosophy, many seem to think […]

When You’re Up for an Exercise Adventure!

When You’re Up for an Exercise Adventure!

A rundown of bougie group exercise classes in Boston

October 7, 2019 | Erika A.

Feeling sluggish after indulging in one too many conference happy hours? Your normal gym workout not really doing it for you (or you not really doing the workout)? Try something new with a group exercise class: part workout, part experience. PILATES REFORMER CLASSES You know the torture device in The Princess Bride? A pilates reformer […]

The Unofficial Guide Book for the Grad School Applicant

The Unofficial Guide Book for the Grad School Applicant

If you have no idea what to do, you’re well on your way!

September 30, 2019 | Morgan J.

I made the decision to apply for graduate school in mid-September of my senior year of college. With application deadlines only weeks away and the GRE looming in the distance, I spent one month scrambling to familiarize myself with the application materials that some of my peers had been refining for months. Sounds stressful, right? […]

Diving into The Deep

Diving into The Deep

How I became an MIT maker

September 30, 2019 | Duncan O.

Ever since high school, I have been a maker to my core. I spent almost all my free time in an art room and my evenings were often spent wrenching on old motorcycles. One of the biggest threats to my academic success during undergrad was spending too much time on Instructables (an online source for […]

Iḷisavsaaqtuam aakam qaitkaa uqautchiñi kiŋuvaamiñun

Iḷisavsaaqtuam aakam qaitkaa uqautchiñi kiŋuvaamiñun

A graduate school mom gifts language to the next generation

September 23, 2019 | Annauk O.

Aullaqisaqtuq – It is the beginning Iḷisaguuruŋa Iñupiatun MIT-mi. I study Iñupiaq at MIT. Iñupiaq is the language of the Alaskan Inuit, whose population numbers 24,500 and whose speakers’ number 2,000. Iñupiaq is considered “moribund,” which means having few or no child speakers because the language is not advancing across generations. Through the MIT Indigenous […]