
Great podcasts to accompany quarantine

Great podcasts to accompany quarantine

Ranked from highly-dignified to 100% guilty-pleasure

April 27, 2020 | Erika A.

Allow me to remind you of a fantastic form of entertainment that you used to listen to during your commute: podcasts! For those of us who have already finished Tiger King (as well as seemingly everything else on Netflix), podcasts are a great way to pass the time between Zoom calls. I’ve established quite a […]



Running from your problems

April 27, 2020 | Charlotte L.

I’m a big fan of running, to the point where one of my labmates described me as being known among her friends as “a running and cider fiend”. I’ve written before about my lab’s crazy adventure in running across New Hampshire together and about using running as a form of stress relief, but I never […]

What do I do when I can’t go to lab?

What do I do when I can’t go to lab?

Ways to move your research forward when running experiments isn’t an option

April 27, 2020 | Stephanie S.

Sometimes, going to lab isn’t an option. Whether it’s due to an injury, illness, family or, as in 2020, COVID-19, life often gets in the way of planned experiments. But that doesn’t have to stop you from working on your research! There are lots of ways to push your research forward without physically running experiments. […]

Away, with a slice of MIT

Away, with a slice of MIT

My experience with MISTI GSL

April 20, 2020 | Dishita T.

It’s no secret that MIT celebrates differences and diversity. Different interests, backgrounds, working styles, expertise, ambitions, perspectives, voices … the list is endless. As an outsider, before I joined MIT, I was amazed and attracted to this deeply interwoven fabric of differences. But MIT is also a place of contradictions. As an insider, i.e. after […]

Networking for introverts

Networking for introverts

How to break out of your shell

April 20, 2020 | Morgan J.

Editor’s Note: This post was written and submitted to us before the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, but we believe that the advice given here is still highly relevant in the time of quarantine  – when both group and one-on-one meetings are as important as ever. Networking. For some of us introverts out there, […]