Degree programs

MIT offers a wide range of degrees and programs.

All graduate students, whether or not they are participating in an interdepartmental program, must have a primary affiliation with and be registered in a single department. Every applicant accepted by MIT is admitted through one of the graduate departments. MIT has a number of established interdepartmental programs, and there are many more opportunities for students to arrange interdepartmental programs with interested faculty members.

All MIT graduate degree programs have residency requirements, which reflect academic terms (excluding summer). Some degrees also require completion of an acceptable thesis prepared in residence at MIT, unless special permission is granted for part of the thesis work to be accomplished elsewhere. Other degrees require a pro-seminar or capstone experience.

Applicants interested in graduate education should apply to the department or graduate program conducting research in the area of interest. Below is an alphabetical list of all the available departments and programs that offer a graduate-level degree.

Interested in reading first-hand accounts of MIT graduate students from a variety of programs? Visit the Grad Blog. Prospective students who want to talk with a current student can reach out to their department(s) of interest for connections or, if they are interested in the MIT experience for diverse communities, can reach out to a GradDiversity Ambassador.

ProgramApplication Deadline
Aeronautics and Astronautics December 1
Architecture January 7
Biological Engineering December 15
Biology December 1
Brain and Cognitive Sciences December 1
Center for Real Estate January 15
Chemical Engineering December 1
Chemistry December 1
Civil and Environmental Engineering December 1
Computational and Systems Biology December 1
Computational Science and Engineering PhD December 1
Data, Economics, and Design of Policy January 15
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences December 15
Economics December 15
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science December 1
Health Sciences and Technology (Joint Harvard-MIT Program) December 1
History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society December 10
Institute for Data, Systems, and Society December 15
Leaders for Global Operations November 8
Linguistics December 15
Materials Science and Engineering December 1
Mathematics December 15
Mechanical Engineering December 15
Media Arts and Sciences December 15
Microbiology December 1
MIT Sloan Executive MBA Program Multiple Rounds of Deadlines
MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program October 1, January 27
MIT Sloan Master of Business Analytics January 3
MIT Sloan Master of Finance January 3
MIT Sloan Master of Science in Management Studies February 15
MIT Sloan MBA Program September 30, January 14, April 7
MIT Sloan PhD Program December 1
MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography / Applied Ocean Science and Engineering October 1, December 15
Music Technology and Computation December 23
Nuclear Science and Engineering December 15
Operations Research Center December 15
Philosophy January 2
Physics December 15
Political Science December 15
Program in Polymers and Soft Matter December 1, December 15
Science Writing January 15
Supply Chain Management Blended January 10, June 20
Supply Chain Management Residential November 1, January 31, March 28
System Design and Management December 13, February 28
Technology and Policy Program December 15
Transportation December 1
Urban Studies and Planning December 15