
Denzil A. Streete appointed Senior Associate Dean and Director of the OGE

August 7, 2023

View the email announcement from Ian Waitz, Vice Chancellor. Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that Denzil A. Streete, PhD, has been appointed as Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Graduate Education (OGE). He will begin on September 12 and succeeds Blanche Staton, who retired this past spring after serving for […]

Using social media to raise awareness of women’s resources

August 7, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic created a global increase in domestic violence against women. Now, an MIT-led experiment designed with that fact in mind shows that some forms of social media can increase awareness among women about where to find resources and support for addressing domestic violence. In the randomized experiment, set in Egypt, women recruited via […]

A cool path to disease deceleration

August 4, 2023

In 2020, Kathrin “Kat” Kajderowicz’s father passed away from lung cancer. Kajderowicz was in charge of her father’s health care for as long as she can remember. While he suffered from various cardiovascular issues for several years, it wasn’t until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic that he was diagnosed with late-stage metastatic small-cell lung […]

Helping to fill in gaps in urology research for female patients

August 2, 2023

There were early signs that Nicole De Nisco ’07, PhD ’13 might become a scientist. She ran out of science classes to take in high school and fondly remembers the teacher that encouraged her to pursue science instead of the humanities. But she ended up at MIT, in part, out of spite.  “I applied because […]

New method simplifies the construction process for complex materials

August 2, 2023

Engineers are constantly searching for materials with novel, desirable property combinations. For example, an ultra-strong, lightweight material could be used to make airplanes and cars more fuel-efficient, or a material that is porous and biomechanically friendly could be useful for bone implants. Cellular metamaterials — artificial structures composed of units, or cells, that repeat in […]

Leading business past dollars and cents

August 1, 2023

How does Annabel Flores work to defeat a broken STEM pipeline while solving our country’s biggest aerospace and defense challenges? She uses a voice the MIT Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) program instilled in her. Flores ’99, MBA ’03, SM ’03 is deputy president of land and air defense at Raytheon, a prominent aerospace and […]

Changing attitudes about jobs and gender in India

July 28, 2023

As a high school student who loved math, Lisa Ho ’17 was drawn by MIT’s spirit of “mens et manus” (“mind and hand”) and the opportunities to study both a subject and its practical applications. Now a PhD candidate in economics, Ho also appreciates the lessons in perseverance gleaned from her time on her high […]

3 Questions: What’s it like winning the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition?

July 26, 2023

Solar power plays a major role in nearly every roadmap for global decarbonization. But solar panels are large, heavy, and expensive, which limits their deployment. But what if solar panels looked more like a yoga mat? Such a technology could be transported in a roll, carried to the top of a building, and rolled out […]

Not your grandparents’ “Monopoly”

July 25, 2023

On an otherwise sleepy Friday in late June, one corner of MIT’s Hayden Library was abuzz with the sounds of board gamers at play. Most of the gamers also happened to be first-time designers, and they had gathered to test out their maiden boards, some with the ink still drying. “I printed my game this […]

Helping the transportation sector adapt to a changing world

July 21, 2023

After graduating from college, Nick Caros took a job as an engineer with a construction company, helping to manage the building of a new highway bridge right near where he grew up outside of Vancouver, British Columbia.   “I had a lot of friends that would use that new bridge to get to work,” Caros […]