
Moving to Boston with a Dog

Moving to Boston with a Dog

What you need to know about pet ownership

November 13, 2018 | MayLin H.

When I was first considering accepting MIT’s offer of admission to a PhD program, one of my main concerns was finding housing for my family. I had heard that Boston’s housing situation was brutal, and to top it off, my then-fiancé and I were trying to bring two large dogs to the big city with […]

Finding Belonging through Community

Finding Belonging through Community

Make the time to seek out familiar spaces

November 13, 2018 | Vadim K.

There’s a common feeling that many incoming graduate students can attest to: I don’t belong here. MIT seems designed to keep us feeling this way, perhaps as motivation to work long hours, or perhaps to perpetuate its imposing reputation. It starts from the moment of acceptance. Elation and surprise are quickly followed by weeks of […]

Boston Left?

Boston Left?

Lessons learned from driving in Boston

November 13, 2018 | David Y.

During my first experience driving in Boston I was waiting at an intersection on campus (Vassar and Mass Ave), my co-pilot, a fellow grad student, turned and said to me: “Watch out for the Boston left.” “Boston left?” “You’ll see.” When the light turned green and I immediately gunned it (I’ve always been irrationally proud […]

Tuning out the Noise

Tuning out the Noise

My advice on learning to use challenging lab equipment

November 13, 2018 | Sarah G.

Have you ever looked at an instrument that a senior labmate is using – one of those behemoth installations that has a million glowing buttons and wires sticking out everywhere – and think to yourself, “There’s no way I’ll EVER learn how to use that”? That was what I thought when I saw a transmission […]

A Good Place to Nap

A Good Place to Nap

Finding the best place to sleep on-campus after a sleepless night

November 5, 2018 | Somesh M.

I was in the middle of a formal dinner with the Under Secretary of the US Department of Energy, when my cell phone signaled the Outlook notification: [70 AMHERST] FACILITIES EMERGENCY – BUILDING CLOSING