
It’s a Match!

It’s a Match!

The eerie similarities between online dating and finding an adviser

March 26, 2017 | Patrick Y.

One of the best feelings as a student is receiving that acceptance letter from a school or program you thought was nearly impossible to get into. However, for graduate school, getting in is only the first step. The next step is to find an advisor, which can be difficult. For programs that don’t have official […]

My Road to Yelp Elite

My Road to Yelp Elite

Eating and reviewing through grad school

March 25, 2017 | Irene C.

Fact: The quickest way to attract students (and usually professors) is to promise food of any kind. Whereas I should be asking, “Interpretable natural language models talk vs. a mentorship lunch for women in computer science?” … I find myself asking, instead, “Do I want free Brazilian BBQ or free Indian curry?” Some graduate students […]

Fighting Depression

Fighting Depression

The importance of seeking help and building a support system

March 24, 2017 | Dongying S.

“Who is she? Why does she look so sad?” It was a summer day in 2013. After lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling without doing anything for the entire day again, I finally got up. When I looked into the bathroom mirror, I saw my eyes filled with tears. What is worse, […]

The Case for Quantum Morality

The Case for Quantum Morality

A thought experiment in support of the many-worlds philosophy

March 23, 2017 | Daniel G.

I should start by saying that everything that I’m about to write may or may not be completely bogus. Still, I haven’t convinced myself that it’s not bogus, so I guess I’ll share it anyway.   I want to make the claim that our understanding of physics should influence our ethical decisions. To ease you […]

45 Dreams Deferred

45 Dreams Deferred

Learning to accept rejections in academia

March 22, 2017 | Amanda C.

Dressed in a freshly dry-cleaned suit for graduate school visits, I marched proudly and eagerly into my first one-on-one interview with a prospective PI. “Hi, I’m Amanda!” “Nice to meet you, I’m Rob. Are you good at failing?” “What do you mean?” I stared blankly, taken aback by his bluntness. He smiled knowingly and leaned […]