
How I Learned to Drink from a Firehose

How I Learned to Drink from a Firehose

Learning to filter and focus to prioritize my learning needs

April 10, 2017 | Shaheen T.

Only three weeks into my time at MIT, I was so busy that I was barely getting any sleep. I slept with my laptop and dorm room lights on; the sole reason to catch some sleep was to wake up and get going on things for the next day. I grabbed food for survival at […]

Confessions of a Green Tea Addict

Confessions of a Green Tea Addict

Where to find quality green tea in the MIT area

April 9, 2017 | Titan H.

Just as some people are addicted to coffee, I am addicted to green tea. However, I think ‘addiction’ is a too strong of a word. I do not drink green tea twice a day in my office while working on research and problem sets, like how others drink their coffee. I cannot recall the exact […]

Being a Historian at MIT

Being a Historian at MIT

Perspectives on MIT from a student of the humanities

April 8, 2017 | Alison L.

I’m a graduate student at MIT, but my experience here is not the norm. I state that with confidence because I… am a historian. As of writing this post, I’m a fourth-year doctoral candidate in an interdisciplinary PhD program shared among the History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology & Society departments—HASTS for short. There are only […]

Can You Get a PhD Without an Advisor?

Can You Get a PhD Without an Advisor?

How I learned to take charge of my education and ask questions of the world

April 7, 2017 | Patrick W.

I applied to MIT to study nuclear power policy with three top experts in the field. Any of them would be great advisor, so I decided to come to MIT. In the six months between when I visited campus and the start of classes, the first professor retired, the second was promoted out of the […]

In the Art of the City

In the Art of the City

Boston as a source of culture and adventure

April 6, 2017 | Dongying S.

I spent my childhood in Shanghai, the largest city in China. However, as a child, I never had the chance to explore this big city. After I graduated from high school and moved to Pasadena with my family for my undergraduate studies, I became accustomed to life in the suburbs, a place where people drive […]