
Exploring Options

Exploring Options

Navigating "big science" as a trainee

March 9, 2018 | Josh P.

After arriving at MIT in September, I was excited to begin rotating in labs. I did my research, so I knew what professors I wanted to work with. I was ready to meet labmates, do some projects, and find a lab I matched with. Little did I know that some professors not only ran their […]

Turning to the Dark Side

Turning to the Dark Side

Questions about Industry Options for PhD Candidates

March 9, 2018 | Richard Z.

Last semester I Ubered home every night. Often times I got into interesting talks with the drivers. Whenever my PhD study came up in conversations, two of the most typical responses were, “Oh so do you want to teach afterwards” and “are you going to be a professor?” I am always baffled there. To be […]

Out of the lab, into the Rice Paddy

Out of the lab, into the Rice Paddy

A reflection on engineering principles observed on an adventure in Laos

January 29, 2018 | Lauren S.

I’ll pose this question to the MIT and scientific community: how would you identify and separate healthy rice grains from empty or insect-damaged grains to feed to the chickens? As MIT graduate students, we’d probably over-engineer this. Is there some protein in the healthy grain I can image for? I’m a mass spectrometrist, so I’d […]

Have something to say or share? Then blog about it!

Have something to say or share? Then blog about it!

December 4, 2017 | Grad Blog Editorial Board

Hi MIT Grads! The MIT Graduate Admissions Blog is excited to announce its second IAP workshop on blog writing. In brief, Attend a 3-day blogging workshop: January 16, 18, and 23 from 9-11am Attendance at all sessions is expected Write two blog pieces Earn $200 upon completion of posts Continue writing for the blog and […]

Girls just wanna have FUNding

Girls just wanna have FUNding

My perspective on the proposed tax bill H.R.1

November 13, 2017 | Lauren S.

Joining thousands of other activists at the March for Science last spring, I proudly held my handcrafted, glittery poster in the air. “Girls just wanna have FUNding,” it said. Now, I realize I should have been more specific: “Girls just wanna have FUNding­–for their research, but also for themselves.” A poster large enough to accommodate […]