
Time Travel

Time Travel

The imperceptible passing of seasons in graduate school

April 13, 2018 | Justin C.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen all at once. -Albert Einstein Time passes strangely in graduate school. Many days I enter a flow state where I’m completely absorbed in my task. First I am setting up an experiment or a stack of papers to read. Light, streaming in from the window, […]



Where scientists talk religion

April 13, 2018 | Alex T.

Every Monday night, I shuffle down Mass Ave, past the towering columns of MIT’s entrance to a small unassuming building almost directly across the street. Inside I meet with a group of about ten students. We continue our discussion of something that can make people uncomfortable, something that isn’t commonly associated with MIT: religion. We […]



What to do if nothing goes according to plan

April 13, 2018 | Julia M.

As a military brat, growing up was often an exercise in how to exist in the in-between. Moving every two years fostered a patchwork identity that seemed too foreign for anywhere, and so I was content to introduce myself in a brief, adapted way: Hi. I’m Julia, I’ve moved around a lot, but I consider […]

What’s the PC Term for Santa?

What’s the PC Term for Santa?

How we overthink issues that don't deserve the time and energy that we put into them

April 13, 2018 | Nour G.

The US is often dubbed the land of the free. As someone who was raised in the Middle East, arguably a place not as free, Americans have always seemed to me to be fiercely proud that the First Amendment of their Constitution protects the freedoms of press and of speech. Many of the Americans I […]

The Mysterious Markings on the Bridge to MIT

The Mysterious Markings on the Bridge to MIT

How the stories and history of MIT inspire me

April 13, 2018 | Julie L.

A bridge: “a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle” (Merriam-Webster dictionary). As a daily pedestrian across one such bridge (the Harvard bridge, spanning the Charles River to MIT) I agree that it is a structure carrying a pathway. However, I object to the use of the word obstacle, with all […]