
Have something to say or share? Then blog about it!

Have something to say or share? Then blog about it!

IAP workshop application deadline January 4

December 8, 2022 | Grad Blog Editorial Board

Hi MIT grad students! The MIT Graduate Admissions Blog is excited to announce its upcoming IAP workshop on blog writing. In brief, Attend a 2-day blogging workshop: Wednesday, January 18 (in person) and Monday, January 23 (remote) from 11-1pm Write one blog submission Earn $100 upon completion of post Continue writing for the blog and earn $100 […]

Stop sprinting towards your future

Stop sprinting towards your future

What my time in industry taught me

December 8, 2022 | Blythe I.

I always knew I would come back to academia. It didn’t matter that I would be taking at least one year off to work a flashy new job in Seattle biotech. It didn’t matter that the position would be a lot less stressful, and have a lot more benefits, than graduate student life. My mentor […]

The scientific method behind burnt mozzarella sticks

The scientific method behind burnt mozzarella sticks

The story of how my rogue oven eased my anxiety about graduate school

December 1, 2022 | Bailey F.

How many of you know how an oven works? I mean, like, reallllyyy know? Personally, I do not, and yet here I am, a graduate student at MIT.  I am a first-year student pursuing a Ph.D. in marine geophysics as part of the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences department. Coming into the program, I—like many […]

Crying in C-Mart

Crying in C-Mart

My Asian grocery adventure in the Boston area

November 21, 2022 | Rachel S. (MechE)

I can’t survive for a week without eating Asian food. Honestly, a big reason why I chose to come to MIT was because H-Mart was down the street from campus. However, after looking at my H-Mart grocery receipts from my first couple months here, I was crying (in front of) H-Mart. I realized that H-Mart […]

First-year reflection

First-year reflection

Is a PhD really for me?

November 16, 2022 | Anzo T.

More than once in our career, most of us will find ourselves asking whether we made the right decision. Often, this questioning is triggered by setbacks, “less-than-ideal” circumstances or a mediocre environment. Without a doubt, the majority of graduate students will probably face this kind of uncertainty during our journey (especially for PhDs, as 5 […]