Emily Wang

MIT Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Faculty Mentor: Prof. Polina Anikeeva
Research Supervisor: Taylor Cannon
Undergraduate Institution: Princeton University
Hometown: Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Website: LinkedIn
Emily Wang is a rising senior at Princeton University studying Chemical and Biological Engineering, pursuing minors in Materials Science and Engineering and Quantitative and Computational Biology. Inspired by the intersections between engineering and design, her previous research includes fabricating kirigami architected materials for constructing polyhedral structures, synthesizing hydrogels to enhance cement-hydrogel performance, and developing biophysical frameworks for stress granule assembly in neurodegenerative diseases. At MIT, Emily worked to predictively model the optimal optical design for devices to stimulate and record enteric neuron activity. Emily intends to pursue a Ph.D. in Bioengineering, with an interest in translational research at the cell-material interface to engineer accessible and personalized healthcare solutions. Beyond academics, Emily challenges her creativity as the co-production manager of BodyHype and Triple 8 Dance Company. She is also dedicated to advocacy and outreach programming with the Asian American Student Association. In her free time, Emily enjoys exploring the food scene, making Spotify playlists, and experimenting with her fashion.
Predictive modeling for optimizing light delivery in optogenetic
stimulation of gastrointestinal neurons
Emily Wang1, Taylor M. Cannon2, 3, and Polina Anikeeva2, 3, 4, 5
1Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University
2Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3 McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4Deptartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5 Deptartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains an extensive network of neurons that communicate
bidirectionally with the brain to mediate physiological processes and influence behavior. Recent modulatory methods of understanding neuron function use light to optogenetically stimulate specific neurons and record fluorescence as an analogue of electrical activity. GI tissues vary instructure and exhibit different light attenuation behavior, underscoring the need for precise characterization of their optical properties. Additionally, optimizing light delivery to neurons is critical for overcoming light attenuation by tissue and extending device lifetime while avoiding adverse effects including heating or photobleaching. In our research, we compared two computational approaches to evaluate light input required for neuronal stimulation. We developed a MATLAB-based analytical model using the transfer-matrix method to predict light transmittance through tissues of varying mucosal and submucosal thicknesses. We then used optical coherence tomography to image and measure thicknesses and attenuation coefficients of the stomach, colon, duodenum, and ileum. The computational model was refined using a Monte Carlo-based simulator and experimentally measured parameters. Our results establish a framework that predicts outcomes of optical setups for different tissue geometries to elucidate light propagation through GI tissue, offering new insights to inform the design of implanted light-based neuromodulatory devices.