About MIT

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an academic community devoted to undergraduate education, graduate education, and research. We have fostered graduate study and research and have awarded advanced degrees since 1872.

MIT has been a consistent international leader in the number of master’s and doctoral degrees awarded. While we are renown for our highly ranked degrees in the sciences and engineering, our graduate programs in the social sciences, humanities, management, architecture, and urban studies have gained significant prominence.

Approximately 7,344 graduate students are currently enrolled in degree programs. About 2,000 students enter graduate programs each year with baccalaureate degrees from nearly 250 American colleges and universities and from over 100 foreign countries. More than 190 foreign universities are typically represented. In 2024 MIT received about 34,000 graduate applications.

MIT’s long tradition of making contributions to knowledge has resulted in extensive resources for graduate study. Graduate students not only play key roles in the success of the Institute’s diverse research initiatives, but also contribute significantly to the educational experience of students and faculty.

Institute facts

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a world-renowned educational institution located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Institute was originally incorporated on April 10, 1861 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Institute then moved across the Charles River to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1916.

Our community includes more than 11,000 employees, 11,000 students, and 1,000 faculty members. For further information about MIT, please visit our MIT Facts website.

Enrollment statistics

Graduate students make up roughly 62 percent of the total student population. Many of our enrollment statistics are provided by the MIT Registrar’s Office.

Additional comprehensive statistics and reports can be provided by Institutional Research in the Office of the Provost.

MIT Values

In December 2020, in response to calls from the MIT community, the Institute charged the MIT Values Statement Committee to develop a statement of shared values through broad consultation across the community. On April 12, 2022, President Rafael Reif, Provost Cynthia Barnhart, and Chancellor Melissa Nobles shared the values statement with the community, with their strong endorsement.

The Institute values excellence and curiosity, openness and respect, and belonging and community. Read the full MIT Values Statement here.

Thriving as a graduate student

The Office of Graduate Education (OGE)’s GradThriving unit is designed to foster the holistic well-being and academic success of MIT graduate students. Our goal is to create an environment where students not only survive, but thrive in their academic and personal lives. This team includes GradSupport, GradDiversity, and GradFamilies, as well as the GradExperience community-building initiatives, and provides you with straightforward access to campus partners who can offer you further services. 

Through a comprehensive support framework, GradThriving integrates academic engagement, personal well-being and joy, and social connectedness to empower you in your graduate journey at MIT—and your long term success.